1.  As a City College alumnus, Goldstein, 57, would be the first CUNY chancellor to have graduated from the university.

2.  Derek Bok, the former president and now a university professor at Harvard, acknowledges that any kind of national test for college students is highly unlikely.

3.  Del Villar, who holds degrees from Mexican and European universities and a doctorate in law from Harvard, has sought criminal justice reform throughout his career.

4.  Cult watchers are especially concerned about a group called Kenshokai, which is targeting university and high school students.

5.  Cunningham and five other university chancellors cited data that showed Texas will enroll about 9,000 new students annually in colleges and universities.

6.  CUNY is just one of a growing number of public university systems that are trying to remove remedial classes from their catalogs and poorly prepared students from their classrooms.

7.  CUNY, like most large universities, does such studies infrequently.

8.  Delegations from the different universities, together with their rectors, retired generals, religious leaders, and cultural figures, met in separate rooms with groups of officials.

9.  Despite a fire last month that destroyed much of the university's basketball offices, the program builds.

10.  Despite Cole's past, the coach vouched for him to gain admission to the university.

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